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With the release of their latest set of standards the Council of international Schools accreditation process has started to prioritize environmental issues. There is now an expectation that all schools who undertake their accreditation process address a set of key expectations with regard to protecting our world and prioritizing environmental issues.
Here, we take an in depth look at those standards and the most effective actions that schools can take to exceed those expectations.
Let’s get going…
Standard G5i.
The school is legally compliant with local environmental laws and also seeks ways to go beyond these laws to reduce environmental impact and enhance sustainability.
First up, Standard G5 (it’s the big one!)
This standard expects all schools to take action to revisualize the way that they run their schools and understand that actions speak louder than words.
By going carbon neutral using Sprout you are demonstrating that you are taking concrete steps to make a difference. By getting your commitment certified by the Carbon Neutral School Foundation you are evidencing your commitment.
After using offsets to go neutral you can start to systematically focus on reducing the negative impact that your operations have on our environment.
It’s all about reducing your impact
Reduction takes time and time is the one thing that we don’t have when it comes to helping to heal our planet.
Our, ‘Offset now, then reduce’ approach allows you to act now to positively impact the health of our planet by supporting offset projects that remove carbon, positively impact communities and drive real and positve change.
Standard G5ii.
The school systematically monitors, evaluates, and reviews the premises for biodiversity, energy, and resource use and takes action to reduce its environmental impact and enhance sustainability.
Standard G5iii.
The school has a dedicated environmental steering group, comprised of a range of stakeholders, including students and those with expertise, who advise governors and/or owners, leaders, staff, and students on environmental decision-making.
Get your community involved with Sprout for Education
We believe in the power of communities to make change happen. By getting everyone onboard and acting now, we can empower students, teachers & benefit the wider community.
Impact on the environment & communities
The combination of using Sprout to offset your emissions and then working with the Carbon Neutral School Foundation to plan, execute and evidence reduction measure is the perfect way to evidence that you deeply understand the imact that you are having.
Standard E1iii.
To what extent does the school understand the impact of its service learning, leadership, environmental, and community- related activities?
Standard G4i.
The school uses a range of auxiliary services and monitors maintenance, cleanliness, environmental stewardship, security, food services, and transportation, and ensures they comply with, or exceed, local regulations where necessary.
Environmental stewardship that goes beyond the school gates
Our unique continuum of support services allows you to evidence that you are going way beyond local standards and are striving to live your mission, now.
Authentically connect students to projects that are making a real difference
We share authentic stories and data about all the projects in our carbon fund and this allows teachers to seamlessly build students understanding of the connected nature of our planet into their learning and inspiring them to take action in their own communities.
By investing in the CNSF Carbon Fund you are not just investing in projects that will bring you to carbon neutrality, you are also inspiring your students to take action.
Standard C6ii.
The school’s complementary programmes are intentionally planned so that students can demonstrate leadership, global citizenship, and environmental sustainability.
Sprout for Education is not associated with the Council of International Schools.
Make a difference now & calculate your emissions
6 sections, 26 questions & 4 minutes away from making a difference…
Checklist of information required...
2. Utilities:
- Your total electricity usage for the last 12 month period. In kWh. If your provider uses renewable sources, the percentage of your electricity which is renewable.
- If you use gas for heating, the name of the gas unit your provider uses, and, the number of units of gas that you used in the last 12 months.
- If you use heating oil, the amount of oil you used in the last 12 months. In Litres.
- The number of people that use the internet on a normal day.
3. Transportation:
- Number and type of busses used for daily student transportation.
- Average number of kilometers traveled in 12 months for each bus type.
- Total amount of kilometers traveled by other school vehicles (pickups, school car etc.).
4. Excursions & Trips:
- Total kilometers flown by students (how far x number of students) in 12 months.
- Total kilometers flown by staff (how far x number of students) in 12 months.
5. Purchasing:
- Total number of electronic devices bought last year.
- How much spent on stationary last year. In US$.
- Number of books bought every year.
5. Trees:
- Total number of trees (over 1.5m) on campus.