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Calculator | Sprout for Education

Calculate your carbon footprint and find out how to erase it

6 sections,  26 questions & 4 minutes away from making a difference…

Checklist of information required...

2. Utilities:

  • Your total electricity usage for the last 12 month period. In kWh. If your provider uses renewable sources, the percentage of your electricity which is renewable.
  • If you use gas for heating, the name of the gas unit your provider uses, and, the number of units of gas that you used in the last 12 months.
  • If you use heating oil, the amount of oil you used in the last 12 months. In Litres.
  • The number of people that use the internet on a normal day.

3. Transportation:

  • Number and type of busses used for daily student transportation.
  • Average number of kilometers traveled in 12 months for each bus type.
  • Total amount of kilometers traveled by other school vehicles (pickups, school car etc.).

4. Excursions & Trips:

  • Total kilometers flown by students (how far x number of students) in 12 months.
  • Total kilometers flown by staff (how far x number of students) in 12 months.

5. Purchasing:

  • Total number of electronic devices bought last year.
  • How much spent on stationary last year. In US$.
  • Number of books bought every year.

5. Trees:

  • Total number of trees (over 1.5m) on campus.

About you, your school, location etc.

Power, heating, cooling & internet

Busses, coaches & school vehicles

Where you and your students fly

The things you buy on regular basis

The things we need more of!