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Certification | Sprout for Education

Three layers of certification, verification and accreditation

You decide how far you want to go.

Step 1. Immediate, self assessed certification


Delivered to your inbox in 2 working days

We will share your certificates within a couple of days so you’ll be able tell the world about your initiatives.


Co-branded merchandise

Easily create co-branded T shirts, caps, and more to show the world the positive change you are making.


Accuracy, please!

Please make sure that the data you enter is correct. The better the data, the more accurately you can offset.

Step 2. Verification provided by the experts


Verification provides credibility

If you want to be completely transparent you’ll need to take the next step and have your data verified. 


External Provider

We have teamed up with the Carbon Neutral School Foundation to provide this service at great rates.


Simple and transparent

Simply request verification and submit the appropriate documentation. 


Great Value

Our verification services are a really cost effective way to demonstrate due dilligence.

Share your investment in our future…

Real benefits of becoming verified

Accreditation Standards

Meet accrediting ageny standards and expectations.

Reputational benefit

Your reputation will grow with your parents, students and your local community.

Recruiting advantages

Committed teachers love working at committed schools.

Step 3. Full Carbon Neutral School Accreditation


The premium path to differentiating your school

The CNSF offers a path to full accreditation which is designed to support schools in decreasing their emissions by becoming operationally efficient.


Reducing your footprint

The CNSF will halp you reduce your carbon footprint.


Improving efficiency

Helping school become more effective.

Customizable products that let's spread the good news!

Our merchandise is easy to co-brand which means that you can visibly share your commitment.

Be proud of being a sprout!


Sprout for Education

Schools, kindergartens, clubs and colleges can now offset their carbon emissions and support projects that help children, communities and our planet.


Sprout for Education, © 2022

Made with in Salalah, North Vancouver, Traunstein & Midhurst •  Privacy Policy  •   CNSF